Architecture is a fascinating topic. At an early stage in his career Frank E. Strasser decided, alongside his practical planning work, to also examine theoretical aspects of the subject. Publishing articles, serving as a visiting critic and teaching have helped him achieve a critical distance. In 2001 he was co-responsible for the concept of ArchitecTour de Suisse, a series of films about contemporary architecture in Switzerland. Residential design has become one of the main focuses of his work and can take the form of renovation work, conversions or new build. The spectrum here extends from interior design to apartment buildings. In his work Frank E. Strasser aims at achieving a maximum degree of precision: this starts with his interpretation of the commission, continues throughout the design phase and culminates in the finishing touches.
Frank E. Strasser was born in 1963 and graduated from high school in 1982. After internships in New York City with Conklin Rossant and Juan Montoya Design and in Zurich with Santiago Calatrava he graduated in 1991 from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich). 1991/92 he worked in Zurich for Willi Egli and 1992/93 in Los Angeles for Arthur Golding. His first commission, to build a villa on Lake Constance, led him to return to Zurich, where he set up his own architecture office in 1994. At the same time he became involved in academic activities by serving as a visiting critic at the ETH Zurich, University of Southern California (USC) and Woodbury University, California. From 2000 to 2004 he taught at the ETH Zurich. In 2011 he founded Strasser Architektur AG. His projects have received several awards.


Das Ideale Heim,
Nr. 2

Men‘s Homes, Knesebeck Verlag 2013

Best Architects 12, Verlag Zinnobergruen 2011

Häuser am Hang, Verlag Georg D. W. Callwey 2000

Die besten Einfamilienhäuser –
D, Oe, CH 1999/2000

Deutsche Bauzeitung
Nr. 09/1996
Mehrfamilienhaus Alder
Mirko Beetschen: Erholsame Klarheit, in: NZZ am Sonntag – Stil, 20. Dez. 2015, S. 19
Mirko Beetschen: Kunsthaus, in: Das Ideale Heim, Nr. 2/2013, S. 52 - 58
Mirko Beetschen: Kunsthaus, in: Men‘s Homes, Knesebeck Verlag 2013,
ISBN 978-3-86873-598-7, S. 22 - 31
Mehrfamilienhaus Alder, in: Best Architects 12, Verlag Zinnobergruen 2011,
ISBN 987-3-9811174-5-5, S. 38 - 41
Gregor Eigensatz: Quo vadis, Farbe und Beton?, in: COVISS Nr. 5/2011, S. 8 - 15
Haus Soras
Kay von Westersheimb: Haus mit Happy End, in: Wohnen – Das österreichische Wohnmagazin,
Nr. 1/2003, S. 84 - 88
Regalsystem SLIDE
Schwebendes Regal, in: Hochparterre Nr. 05/1999, S. 8
Music and Arts Centre
Architektur & Technik Nr. 09/1998
Haus am Bodensee
Stephan Isphording: Haus mit See am Bodensee, in: Häuser am Hang.
Verlag Georg D. W. Callwey 2000, ISBN 3-7667-1402-3, S. 100 - 103
Holger Reiners: Avantgarde und Tradition als architektonisches Konzept, in:
Architektur-Preis 1999/2000, Die besten Einfamilienhäuser – Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz. Verlag Georg D. W. Callwey 1999, ISBN 3-7667-1365-5, S. 180 - 185
House at Lake Constance, in: IAA review, International Academy of Architecture Sofia,
Spring 1998
Rated XXXIX, in: IAA review, International Academy of Architecture Sofia, Spring 1997, S. 5
Haus mit See am See, in: DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitung Nr. 09/1996, S. 32
Best Architects 12 Award,
Zinnobergruen GmbH

Auszeichnung Architekturpreis Einfamilienhäuser 1999/2000 der Reiners Stiftung: Beste Einfamilienhäuser Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz

Winner of International XXXIX Competition, Academy of Architecture, Arts & Sciences, Beverly Hills, CA, 1997